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Did you know that Meriwether Lewis and William Clark first met each other while serving under the command of General “Mad” Anthony Wayne at the frontier fortification of the cantonment at GreeneVille in the late 1790s?  Their friendship formed here led them to many discoveries on the quest to find the Northwest Passage. They did not find that but the amount of data and the discoveries of new species of animal and plant life enriched our nation at a time we were still trying to make good on the promises of the Declaration of Independence and The U.S. Constitution. This twenty-one page book includes a bibliography and measures 8.5” by 11”. It makes a nice introductory read to excite your interest to find out more about this amazing duo and their adventures in the western part of our expanding country.

From the Treaty City to the Western Sea: Lewis and Clark in Greenville, Ohio

SKU: BK165
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